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Our purpose at St James’ is to educate and develop global Catholic citizens. Assessment is a fundamental part of meeting this intent.

St James’ staff report on your child’s progress three times during the academic year.

Years 7 to 9

In Years 7 to 9, pupils are given a progress indicator by teachers of Working Beyond (WB), Working At (WA), Working Towards (WT) and Limited Progress Towards (LPT) to indicate the progress they are making.

WB means a student is exceeding the level required for their age and ability

WA means a student is working at the expected level for their age and ability

WT means a student is slightly below the expected level for their age and ability

LPT means a student is significantly below the expected level for their age and ability.

Three reports are sent to parents/carers each year.  One report will include more detailed written comments from your child’s subject teachers and form tutor.

Reports will include the following:

  1. Progress indicator as above
  2. Attitude to Learning Grade (ATL) for classwork and behaviour
  3. Attitude to Learning Grade (ATL) for homework

ATL 1 means that a student is excellent in the following:

  • Pupil has excellent focus within lessons and always tries their best
  • Pupil regularly participates in class discussions
  • Books are always excellently presented
  • Work is detailed and there is clear evidence of responding to feedback which goes beyond the expectation of the class teacher
  • Homework is always completed on time and is of an excellent standard

ATL 2 means that a student is good in the following:

  • Pupil has good focus in lessons and often tries their best
  • Pupil normally participates in class discussions
  • Presentation of work is good
  • Work is completed and there is evidence of responding to feedback
  • Homework is completed on time and at a good standard

ATL 3 means a student is inconsistent in the following:

  • Pupil has inconsistent focus in lessons and often needs a reminder of classroom expectations
  • Pupil can be passive and not always participate in class discussions
  • Presentation of work is inconsistent
  • Work is sometimes completed and evidence of response to feedback is limited
  • Homework is sometimes late and/or of an inconsistent quality
  • Regular reminders are required to submit homework on time

ATL 4 means a student is poor in all or some of the following:

  • Pupil is unfocused in lessons and needs continued reminders of classroom expectations
  • Pupil can be passive and often disruptive in lessons
  • Presentation of work is poor
  • Work is not completed and evidence of response to feedback is poor
  • Homework is often late and/or consistently of a poor standard


Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11, pupils are given a Current Working Grade (CWG) and a Predicted Examination Grade (PEG) by the teacher at three points in the year. This PEG is the GCSE/BTEC grade that the teacher predicts the pupil will achieve as a final GCSE/BTEC result if the pupil continues to work as they are currently.

All students have a target grade to work towards. This is set using:

  • KS2 data
  • Progress made during Key Stage 3

Year 10 and 11 students are also given an ATL grade for classwork and behaviour and homework as detailed above.

“Pupils are keen to learn and do well. They told inspectors that teachers help them whenever they need support. Staff expect them to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Pupils achieve well.”

Ofsted 2022

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26