Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
General Information
At St James’ we are proud of the range of careers opportunities, information and guidance we share with pupils, parents, staff and stakeholders. We continually measure the impact of our CEIAG provision through:
- Destination information
- Feedback from employers and visiting partners;
- Student, parent and staff feedback following events, careers fairs and workplace visits
- Self-review using the Compass tool which measures progress towards meeting the Gatsby benchmarks
- External accreditation and annual review for the Quality in Careers Standard
CEIAG is provided to pupils in St. James’ through;
- Designated lessons in PHSCE in Years 7-11
- Subject-specific information on employability and skills learned through subjects
- Enrichment and contact with local and national employers eg. Careers Convention/apprenticeship evenings/mock interviews/work experience/career specific guidance sessions
- Growth Mindset and the culture of aspiration
- The behaviour and pastoral system to promote good employability habits
- Relations with local employers and visits to school
- Work Experience for Year 10 students
- Curriculum Excellence Week including a dedicated Careers Day
- Website – information on the careers programme and links to useful websites/databases
- Parents – information provided on Parents’ Evenings/Options Evening/Parent-Tutor Evening
- Use of Twitter to promote careers information @StJamesCheadle
If you are a parent, pupil or employer and would like more information about careers at St James’, please contact:
Careers Leader: Dominique Rarity 0161 482 6900