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Duke of Edinburgh

At St James’, we are proud to offer our students the chance to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. The Award enables young people to develop skills for life and work, fulfil their potential, and become responsible global Catholic citizens and leaders. The Award develops key skills such as commitment and confidence, volunteering, and making a positive difference to the lives of others. It also fully reflects our school values of family, faith and excellence, and students can build their character through planning for and undertaking an expedition, working as a team, communicating with others, relying on oneself and developing the skill of resilience. On their Duke of Edinburgh Award journey, students also learn a range of  practical skills, including map skills, basic first aid, cooking and outdoor risk management.

At St James’ Year 9 pupils will have the opportunity to achieve their Bronze award. Upon completion of the award pupils will feel a great sense of achievement, and will have developed skills and attributes that can be used in school, and in the  world of further education and work.

Pupils in Year 10 who have completed their Bronze award will be given the opportunity to participate in the Silver award. This will include two expeditions, volunteering, learning a new skill and physical sections to be carried out by the pupils.

“With God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26