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At St James’ we pride ourselves on nurturing the whole child, but, of course, examinations are very important in any school.

External Examinations
Please note that Year 11 children should be available up to the national contingency date of Wednesday 25th June.

Internal Examinations

At St James’ we support pupils to prepare for examinations from the start of Year 7 with various study skill sessions. Ultimately pupils need to be ready for their final Year 11 examinations. As part of that process we have a series of examination weeks planned for Years 7-10. Examinations will take place in class and pupils will know their exam timetable. The examinations are spaced out like final Year 11 public examinations in order to train pupils how to plan their revision.


We have a programme of events and support designed to help our pupils throughout their time at St James’ as they prepare for their GCSE examinations. From Year 7 we provide study skill sessions in order to help them solve the perennial question “How do I revise?”. Each year pupils are involved in sessions which inform them of ways to revise and how to best organise their homework time. The PSHCE programme also includes additional information regarding revision techniques.

We also provide regular information for parents/carers in order to support them in helping their child to revise. Each half term information on what is coming up on the curriculum and assessment for each year group is sent out to parents. This information can be found at  and

We provide all of our Year 11 students with a bespoke personal Revision Plan in order to aid their revision. Pupils receive this in time for their Mock Examinations which take place in December and most importantly the final GCSEs in the summer. The plan provides valuable guidance to our pupils at a crucial time in their lives and it is focused on key skills and exam techniques that are vital preparation for their final GCSE examinations. Pupils are able to download an app to support them so that they can keep a track of how they are doing and also flag anything they need to revisit or they need extra help with. PSHCE lessons to talk them through revision tips will also be taking place once the pupils receive their revision plans and also in form time.

Key Contact

Exams Officer; Mrs Millar

Queries about exam results or post results services:

GCSE Results Information

GCSE Results Day (Thursday 22nd August 2024)

Year 11 Post-Results 2024 Information

Key Documents 2024

“With God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26