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Extra Curricular

St James’ offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities and clubs to all year groups. The diverse range of provisions offered allow our pupils to explore and develop their passions and talents.
Autumn 2023 activities include:
Day Club Time Location
Monday Chromebook Club  1.15-2pm OR10 and CS15
Monday Pop Band – Year 7,8, 9 1:15-2pm CS2
Monday KS3 STEM Club – Year 7,8,9 1:15-2pm CS24
Monday Art Club Years 7-9 and GCSE Art 1.15-2pm OR3
Monday KS4 Geography Drop-in – Year 10,11 1:20-1:50pm TA2
Monday IT Club 1:20-1:50pm CS14
Tuesday KS4 Geography Drop-in – Year 10,11 1:20-1:50pm TA2
Tuesday Art Club Years 7-9 1.15-2pm OR3
Tuesday Atomic Voices 1.15-2pm CS2
Tuesday Chromebook Club  1.15-2pm OR10 and CS15
Tuesday Lingua Franca – All Years 1:15-2pm CS25
Tuesday KS4 STEM Club – Year 10,11 1:15-2pm CS24
Tuesday Production Rehearsal 3-4.30pm Main Hall
Tuesday Resistant Materials NEA Catch up – Year 11 3-4.30pm CS24
Tuesday IT Club 1:20-1:50pm CS14
Tuesday KS4 Art club 3-4pm OR3
Tuesday KS3 Art club 3-4pm OR2
Wednesday Art Club Years 7-9 and GCSE Art 1:15-2pm OR3
Wednesday Ukulele Group – All Years (30 spaces) 1:15-2pm CS2
Wednesday Upcycle Club – Year 8,9 1:15-2pm CS23
Wednesday GCSE Art Sessions 3-4pm OR2 and OR3
Wednesday Chromebook Club  1.15-2pm OR10 and CS15
Wednesday KS3 Drama Club  3-4.10pm CS5
Wednesday KS4 Art club 3-4pm OR2 and OR3
Wednesday Dungeons and Dragons – All Years 3-5pm CS17
Wednesday STEM Club – All Years 1:15-2pm
Wednesday Resistant Materials NEA Catch up – Year 11 3-4.30pm CS24
Wednesday IT Club 1:20-1:50pm CS14
Thursday Pop Vocal Group- Atomic Voices! – All Years 1:15-2pm CS2
Thursday Equality Club – All Years 1:15-2pm CS14
Thursday GCSE Art 1:15-2pm OR3
Thursday Chromebook Club  1:15-2pm OR10 and CS15
Thursday GCSE Drama Mentoring 3-4pm Drama Room
Thursday Resistant Materials NEA Catch up – Year 11 1:15-2pm CS24
Friday Senior Band- Audition/Invitation only 1:15-2pm CS2
Friday Eco Council 1.15-2pm CS24
Friday Chromebook Club  1.15-2pm OR10 and CS15
Friday GCSE Art 1:15-2pm OR3
Friday School Council 1:15pm-2pm CS6
Friday IT Club 1:20-1:50pm CS14
Sporting activities and events timetables are released weekly to pupils and include Football, Netball, Badminton, Hockey, Trampolining and more. Please see @StJamesPEDept for up to date information.

“Pupils enjoy the variety of clubs and activities on offer at lunchtime and after school. Many pupils play one or more of the recreational or competitive sports on offer.”

Ofsted 2022

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26