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Governing Board- Annual Governance Statement

Purpose of this Governance Statement

This governance statement has been prepared and published by the Governing Board of St James’ Catholic High School (hereafter referred to as the Governing Board) in compliance with our duty to report on the ways in which we have fulfilled our obligations and responsibilities relating to (i) our overarching duty to conduct the school in accordance with its Catholic character and (ii) our core functions (which are explained below).

Role of the Governing Board

As the Governing Board of a Catholic school, our overarching responsibility lies in ensuring that the School is conducted in accordance with its Catholic character at all times, and this overriding duty (which is also a legal duty) permeates everything that we do. Further, in accordance with our legal obligations, the Governing Board endeavours to operate at a strategic level leaving the Headteacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to us for the operational day-to-day running of the School. It is by achieving these aims that we can be sure that our School has effective governance.

The three core functions of the Governing Board:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

As an integral part of the vision for the holistic formation of children and young people, Canon law (Church law) also requires that Catholic schools are “…at least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area” and the Governing Board are mindful of this requirement in all that we do.

Scope of Governing Board’s Responsibilities

The Governing Board acknowledges that we have overall responsibility for ensuring that St James’ has an effective and appropriate system of control, financial and otherwise. However, such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve our objectives, and can provide only a reasonable (as opposed to absolute) assurance against material misstatement or loss.

The Governing Board has delegated the day-to-day responsibility to the Headteacher for ensuring financial controls conform with the requirements of both propriety and good financial management.

Governance Arrangements

Composition of the Governing Board

The Governing Board is made up of seven Foundation Governors, two Staff Governors (including the Headteacher), two Parent Governor(s), one Local Authority Governor.

Instrument of Government

Roles & Responsibilities of a Foundation Governor of a Catholic School

Foundation Governors form the majority on a Catholic school’s Governing board. They have the responsibility of assisting the Bishop by sustaining and developing the Catholic ethos and distinctive Catholic nature of the school in which they serve. Foundation Governors have a specific commission to ensure that the school, is at all times conducted in accord with the provisions of the Diocese of Shrewsbury Trust Deed. Foundation Governors follow these principles:

  • To give clear witness to the teaching of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and assume responsibility for governing the School according to Canon Law, the Catechism, and the teachings of the Catholic Church in general and Diocesan norms in particular
  • To comply with the guidance on admissions, staffing, building maintenance and curriculum as published by the Bishop or his delegate through the Diocesan Schools Commission and convey this to the other members of the governing board
  • To seek to appoint Catholic teachers who combine personal conviction and practice of the Faith with the qualities and experience required by particular posts
  • To represent the Bishop or his delegate on the Governing Body with particular reference to the Catholic ethos of the school by ensuring that the whole curriculum of the school is rooted in an understanding of life in conformity with the teaching of the Gospel and the Catholic Church
  • To achieve this, they must ensure that the general religious and liturgical life of the school conforms to Diocesan guidelines. To take particular care that Religious Education has first place in the curriculum, and embraces and enlivens every subject; and that the school follows a truly Catholic programme of religious and moral education approved by the Diocese
  • To consider not only the interests of the school in which they serve as Foundation Governor, along with its pupils, staff and parents, but to comply with Diocesan policy and the interests of other Catholic schools and the interests of Catholic education throughout the Diocese
  • To be eligible for appointment, enquirers must be practising and committed Catholics. Since holding the office of Foundation Governor is a form of service or ministry in the Church, enquirers have to confirm that they are eligible and willing to serve in accordance with the commission from the Bishop
  • The appointment of Foundation Governors is entirely at the discretion of the Bishop of Shrewsbury, or his delegate (Director of Schools), for schools within his jurisdiction

Headteacher’s Performance Management

Three non-staff Governors will have responsibility for conducting the Headteacher’s Performance Review. The review will be carried out with the support of an independent advisor.

Pay Committee

This consists of a minimum of 3 non-staff governors who have no interest in the pay proceedings and have declared any such interests.

Pay Committee Appeals

This consists of a minimum of 3 non-staff governors who have no interest in the pay proceedings and have declared any such interests.

Staff Grievance and Complaints, Staff Absence, Staff Disciplinary and Dismissals and Appeals against Grievance, Absence and Dismissal procedures and Admissions Committee

The Chair of Governors shall nominate any eligible Governor who has had no prior involvement in the case.

Governor Attendance

Individual Governors’ attendance during the year at Governing Board meetings and committee meetings can be found by clicking on the attendance links at the bottom of this page.

Minutes of Governing Board meetings

Minutes of Governing Board and Committee meetings are public documents. You can request copies of the documents by contacting

Review of Value for Money

The Governing Board has used its resources to provide good value for money during the academic year and has assessed where value for money can be improved including the use of benchmarking data where available.

The Risk and Control Framework

The School’s system of internal financial control is based on a framework of regular management information and administrative procedures including the segregation of duties and a system of delegation and accountability, where appropriate. In particular it includes: –

  • Comprehensive budgeting and monitoring systems with an annual budget and periodic financial reports which are reviewed and agreed by the Governing Board
  • Regular reviews by the Leadership and Strategy Committee of reports which indicate financial performance against the forecast and of major purchase plans, capital works and expenditure programmes
  • Setting targets to measure financial and other performance
  • Clearly defined purchasing (asset purchase or capital investment) guidelines
  • Delegation of authority and segregation of duties
  • Identification and management of risks

Capacity to handle risk

The Governing Board regularly reviews the key risks to which the School is exposed together with the operating, financial and compliance controls that have been implemented to mitigate those risks.

Review of effectiveness

The Governing Board has responsibility for reviewing the effectiveness of the systems in place in the School to identify and manage risk and plan to address any weaknesses (if relevant) and ensure continuous improvement of the system is in place.

How to contact the Governing Board

We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents, carers and the wider school community. Please contact the Chair of Governors, Julie Johnson via the Headteacher’s PA email;

Anthony Pontifex

I am honoured to serve on the Governing Board at St James’ Catholic High School in my capacity as Headteacher. I was appointed to the position of Headteacher in July 2018. During this period, I have led a transformation at St James’ in the physical environment as well as the culture of the school which is rooted in our three values of family, faith and excellence. My philosophy for Governance and education is simple but powerful; children at the centre of everything we do.
Previously I worked at Pleckgate High School in Blackburn as Deputy Headteacher, a school which upon my appointment was rated by Ofsted as “Requires Improvement”. Three years later it was rated “Outstanding” in all areas. I have a wealth of experience of working in other Catholic High Schools in Blackburn, Manchester and Liverpool.

Laura Moss

It is a privilege to be the Director of the English Faculty here at St James' Catholic High School. Having worked at St James' for over 15 years, I recently joined the Governing Board as Staff Governor in 2021.

I am passionate about ensuring the very best opportunities for all pupils in our school family; developing their God-given talents to ensure every individual strives for excellence and fulfils their potential.

Julie Johnson

Although I have only recently been appointed as a Foundation Governor at St James’, I have been a Governor in 5 different schools during my 40 years’ service in education in three roles-as an elected teacher Governor, as Headteacher Governor, and, for the last 6 years, as Foundation Governor at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, Warrington. As Foundation Governor, it is my job to represent the Bishop within the Governing Board, and to ensure that the Catholic ethos and religious character of the school are preserved and developed. I would like to support and challenge the school to be the best that it can be, whilst living out its mission to ensure that each member of the school family achieves their full potential in a faith filled environment, knowing that their contribution to the school is valued.

Julie Travis

I became one of the Parent Governors in May 2022, when two of my children were in years 7 and 9 at St James'. I have been a Parent Governor at a Stockport Catholic primary school and have been an 11 - 18 teacher of Science since 1989, including time spent at middle and senior management level, and currently teach physics at a Stockport Sixth Form College. I look forward to serving our school family and hope to bring both a parental and experienced teacher's perspective to the deliberations of the St James' governing board.

Peter Edwards

It is a privilege to have been appointed by the Bishop as a foundation governor at St James’. I am a committed Catholic and I fundamentally believe in Catholic education. I believe all children have an innate potential that needs to be nurtured, challenged, supported and stretched to become the very best of themselves. I aim to support the school in its core values of Family, Faith and Excellence.

I have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Engineering with Management, and I lead a technology company as a Managing Director. I will aim to use my skills in financial planning & analysis coupled with my experience of running a business to support the governing body and the school.

Cath Duffy

As a Foundation Governor, it is my role to represent the Bishop within the Governing Board, and to ensure that the Catholic ethos and religious character of the school are preserved and developed. I have 38 years’ experience in Catholic education as a teacher of Religious Education and, latterly, as a Lay Chaplain. I served as the Diocesan School Chaplaincy Coordinator until my retirement in summer 2022. I am wholly committed to ensuring that the joy of the Gospel and the beliefs, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic faith are at the heart of school life so that the whole school community can participate in the life, mission and work of the Church. I would like to support and challenge the school to be the best that it can be, whilst living out its mission to ensure that each member of the school family of St. James’ achieves their God-given potential in a faith filled environment, knowing that their contribution to the school, the Church and society is valued.

Christopher Paisley

I am proud to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor at St James' in 2022. As a Chartered Accountant, providing Audit and Assurance services to Public Sector organisations, I am passionate about ensuring accountability and value for money in the delivery of public services and the use of public funds. I have also been a Foundation Governor and Chair of Finance Committee at a Catholic Primary in Stockport for the last four years, which gives me an additional perspective on the importance of the transition from Primary to Secondary education, and establishing strong links with St James' feeder schools to manage this process smoothly. I have a particular interest in ensuring that all students have access to high quality education, and enriching extra-curricular experiences, regardless of life circumstances and socioeconomic background.
Governor Name Category of Governor Term of Office (end date) Link Governor Responsibility Business interests or other Governance roles
Julie Johnson (Chair of Governors) Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese)

31.08.27 Catholic Life and Mission, Collective Worship, SEND Foundation Governor at Cardinal Newman High School
Peter Edwards Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese Board)

Cath Duffy Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese)

31.08.27 Religious Education Partner in Good News Retreats.
Christopher Paisley Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese Board)

31.08.25 Disadvantaged Foundation Governor at Our Lady’s Primary School, Spouse is a teacher of English at St James’ (V Trainor)
James Allerton Parent

(Appointed by Parents)

30.10.24 Health and Safety Governor at Our Lady’s RC Primary and Hollywood Park Nursery School
Julie Travis Parent

(Appointed by Parents)

05.05.26 Safeguarding
Laura Moss Staff (Appointed by Staff) 17.11.25 Wellbeing Parent Governor at St Helen’s Primary School
Anthony Pontifex Headteacher

(Appointed by the Governing Board)

Headteacher Foundation Governor at St Lewis’ Catholic Primary School
Louise Maguire Ex. Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese)

Jodie Tyrell Ex. Local Authority

(Appointed by the Local Authority)

Pat Adams Ex. Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese)

Marion Fletcher Ex. Foundation

(Appointed by the Diocese)

James Allerton  

Ex. Parent Governor



Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26