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Parent Forum

What is the Parent Forum?

The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement. The aims of the Parent Forum will be to:

  • work together to improve the education provided for our children
  • share information, knowledge and skills
  • meet in a mutually supportive environment
  • further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governors

The parent forum does not have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school.

Who can be part of the parent forum?

Any parent/carer of children currently at St. James’ is welcome to join any parent forum meeting.  The forum will be chaired by Mr Maidment, Assistant Headteacher.  At times other members of the school community will also attend the meetings depending on the agenda items and what the school feels they would like to share with the parents, such as new initiatives.

Why should I be part of the parent forum?

It gives you, the parent, an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.

How often will the Parent Forum meet?

We usually meet on a Monday once every term for about an hour. Meeting dates for 2023/24:
14th October 2024 6 – 7 pm
10th March 2025 6 – 7 pm
16th June 2025 6 – 7 pm

What will be discussed at the meetings?

Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents.  The meetings will be informal and are on opportunity for an open discussion.

It is not the forum to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff.

How can I raise an issue?

Come to the meeting and bring it up during the open discussion.  If you are unable to attend, please email the School Office at so that any issues or concerns can be discussed at the meeting.

Parent Forum 2023/24 – some key actions

You said We did
How to further improve communication between school and home Weekly letter sent by Mr Pontifex

Half termly update on the curriculum sent by Dr Guscott

Revamped, clearer school website

More clarity on communicating timing of events, school fixtures, trips

Cost of uniform All suppliers advertised on school website

Number of branded items reduced to a minimum

Improved advertising of second hand uniform

Further improving the rewards system Consultation with the School Council

Introduction of new value passes

Introduction of new system of reward experiences by Mr Maidment

Further improving the lunchtime experience of St. James’ pupils School Council consultation about school food

Better vegetarian/healthy options

New rota system to vary times in for year groups at lunch

Pre-ordering system for pupils

Continuing to monitor and ensure school toilet provision

Better Careers information for all pupils Improved schemes of work for all year groups

Careers Convention for Years 10 and 11

Apprenticeship information for students

Wide variety of careers experienced for all pupils

Appointment of Miss Ashworth, careers adviser

Improving provision for pupil mental health and wellbeing Appointment of new pastoral manager and safeguarding/mental health leads

Participation in the BeeWell initiative

Mental Health Awareness Week

Introduction of termly subject and wellbeing target checks

Parents’ evenings Parents’ Evenings on School Cloud


“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance”

Proverbs 1:5

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26