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As a Catholic school it is vital that we give as many opportunities to our students to grow in their Faith during their time at St James’.

  • Every morning begins with prayer for children in Form groups or in assembly. Staff also start each day in prayer either as a whole staff or in Year or Faculty teams.
  • Once a week, staff have the opportunity to meet together in the Chapel for morning prayer, which allows us to come together as a family and start our day in prayer.
  • We pray for the intentions of the world, our school and our own needs, as well as celebrating any feast days in the liturgical calendar.
  • Before lunch, we pause for grace before meals and every school day also ends with prayer, which is on rotation based on each month and the prayer focus for the Church that month.
  • Each Year group has an assembly once a week in which scripture and prayer are the central focus
  • A Catholic Life and Celebration of the Word weekly update is sent to parents- this allows families to reflect on the weekly scripture and themes and encourages one united St James’ family.

Prayer Calendar

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St James’ school prayer encapsulates our values and purpose and it is often prayed by staff and children as part of their daily worship:

Dear God, we thank you for the family of St James’.

Through your love may we support each other to achieve excellence and deepen our faith.

Guide and inspire us to develop as global Catholic citizens.


  • Mass takes place at regular intervals throughout the year and the Year 7 Welcome Mass and Year 11 Mass of Celebration are particularly special as we welcome new families into our community and wish Year 11 the best in their GCSEs and future pathways.
  • We celebrate whole school Masses a number of times throughout the school year, allowing every member of St James’ to gather for the celebration of Mass. We are always very grateful to our Priests for their support, as we guide our young people in their faith journey.

“Collective worship and prayer are an integral part of the daily life of the school”

Section 48 Inspection, 2017

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26