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Who to Contact:

All staff have a unique email address which is their initial of their first name followed by their surname separated by a dot, E.g. Steve Guscott will be

A full staff list can be found below however for quick reference the most frequently used email addresses are:

General Enquiries
Safeguarding Concerns
Pastoral enquiries/concerns
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Attendance and Family Liaison Manager (request for leave of absence)
Special Educational Needs, Miss Bickerton
Boys & Girls Sport, Mr Walker
Head of Year 7,  Ms Woods
Head of Year 7,  Mr Baggaley
Head of Year 8, Ms Cheshire
Head of Year 9, Mr Gallagher
Head of Year 10, Mrs Linford
Head of Year 11, Mr Reid
All enquiries for the Headteacher please contact Miss Bowers (Headteacher’s PA) who will direct your email to the most appropriate person

Full Staff List



Forename Surname Role Faculty
Stephanie Leeson Receptionist Admin
Maggie Dooley School Business Manager Admin
Kirsty Bowers Headteacher’s PA Admin
Jane Griffiths Reprographics Admin
Caroline Griffiths-Davies Admin Assistant Admin
Katharine Millar Data & Examinations Officer Admin
Suzanne Ralphs Admin Assistant Admin
Mandy Sun Finance Officer Admin
Carina Taylor Attendance Officer Admin
Janet Adshead Canteen Staff Catering
Rahima Begum Canteen Staff Catering
Michala Booth Kitchen Manager Catering
Julie Bushell Cook Catering
Misbah Hussain Canteen Staff Catering
Jane Jackson Canteen Staff Catering
Victoria Bickerton SENCO Creative Technology
Michaela Cooper Teacher Creative Technology
Fiona Burton Technician Creative Technology
Cara Ellison Technician Creative Technology
Clare Linford Head of Year 9 Creative Technology
Dominique Rarity Director of Faculty Creative Technology
Camille Williams Deputy Director of Faculty Creative Technology
Danielle Brett Director of Faculty English
Lauren Bridge Teacher English
Niall Greenlees Teacher English
Golara Khedri Teacher English
Laura Moss Assistant Headteacher English
Victoria Trainor Teacher English
Adam Nokes Director of Faculty Expressive Arts
Helen Grainger Deputy Director of Faculty Expressive Arts
Phillippa O’Shea Teacher and Associate Assistant Headteacher Expressive Arts
Rhiannon Wear Teacher Expressive Arts
Will Blackburn Teacher Humanities
Joseph Cawley Director of Faculty Humanities
Grace Daly Teacher Humanities
Martin Fanning Teacher Humanities
Stephen Guscott Deputy Headteacher Humanities
Jo Rigg Teacher Humanities
Megan Adams Teacher Maths
Victoria Bradford Teacher and Associate Assistant Headteacher Maths
Karen Ellis Teacher Maths
Anthony Gallagher Head of Year 9 Maths
Jenny Healey Director of Faculty Maths
Eashaan Vyas Teacher Maths
Donna Bennett Director of Faculty MFL
Gillian Cheshire Teacher & Head of 8 MFL
Sarah Edwards Teacher MFL
Thomas Luckham Teacher MFL
Simon Barnes Pastoral Manager Pastoral
Holly Ellison Pastoral Manager Pastoral
Niamh Gavin Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Pastoral
James Raftery SEND and Pastoral Administrator Pastoral
Sarah Stewart Pastoral Manager Pastoral
Kerry Booth Deputy Director of Faculty Physical Education
Victoria Floyd Deputy Director of Faculty Physical Education
Daniel Turner School Games Organiser Physical Education
Ryan Maidment Assistant Headteacher Physical Education
Matt Reid Teacher & Head of Year 11 Physical Education
Ian Walker Director of Faculty Physical Education
Hafiza Nagdee Teacher Religious Education
Helen Purkiss Director of Faculty and Associate Assistant Headteacher Religious Education
Chloe Toner Teacher Religious Education
William Baggaley Head of Year 7 Science
Charmaine Brown Director of Faculty Science
Megan Fu Science Technician Science
Ian Murphy Deputy Director of Faculty Science
Celia Mylott Teacher Science
Liam Pedley Teacher Science
Tom Wilson Teacher Science
Olivia Woods Head of Year 7 Science
Coralie Adams Teaching Assistant SEND
Sarah Brown Teaching Assistant SEND
Eva Cheung Teaching Assistant SEND
Phil Ellison Teaching Assistant SEND
Syeda Kazmi Teaching Assistant SEND
Ying Li Teaching Assistant SEND
Rubina Naqvi Teaching Assistant SEND
Yvonne Rezzano Teaching Assistant SEND
Zara Smith Teaching Assistant SEND
Maureen Walsh SEND Administrator SEND
Biljana Wilde Deputy Director of SEND SEND
Ka Wing Kelvin Chan Cleaner Site
Natural Cheng Cleaner Site
Yin Yee Cheung Cleaner Site
Ann Fox Cleaner Site
Kinson Lam Cleaner Site
Liam Ludden Senior Site Manager Site
Sharon Marsh Cleaner Site
Adrian Rae Cleaner Site
Susan Sellars Cleaner Site
Joanna McManus Librarian Technician
Thomas Millar ICT Manager Technician
Tony Millar ICT Technician
Anthony Pontifex Headteacher Headteacher

“Walk with the wise, and become wise”

Proverbs 13:20

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26