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It is important that pupils feel at ease when making the transition from primary to secondary school and at St James’ we make every attempt to facilitate this transition and make the move to our school as smooth as possible for all.

As students move from Primary to Secondary school, we encourage ambitious goals. Everyone involved in the St James’ family is responsible for creating a culture of high expectations and academic excellence. From the moment you choose our school, we work hard behind the scenes with your Primary School to get to know your child. We work to make the transition process as smooth as possible by offering a dedicated transition day, and by visiting our partner Primary schools. The success of your child at St James’ depends very much on our partnership with you, the parents and carers. From this partnership we will develop high aspirations and resilience in your child, that will enable them to grow into well rounded, global Catholic citizens. St James’ has strong traditional values of Family, Faith and Excellence, which support the very high expectations we have for our students. Our success is built upon a tradition of providing exceptional opportunities for children, empowering them and encouraging them to strive for excellence in all that they do. Whether it be our extensive charity work, numerous educational visits or our partnerships with other local schools and colleges, you can be assured that your child will receive a well-rounded Catholic education that extends far beyond the classroom.

Guide to Transition

Our Faculties

Transition activities

As we look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 in September, we have created some activities to give you a taste of the different subjects you will be learning at St James’ and to help prepare you for work in Year 7. You can choose which activities you wish to complete and then you can send them in to school via our dedicated email address so that we can showcase them on our website and Twitter page. Please add your first name and Primary School to anything you send in. Alternatively, you can post them into school

Music Lessons

We offer many exciting musical opportunities for you son/daughter at St James’, through our Key Stage 3 Music lessons that are provided to all pupils.

“Never let the fire in your heart go out”

Romans 12:11

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26